
How Much Weight Gain Is Normal during Pregnancy?

Still, this time of your life can cause a lot of questions. Read on to get answers to many things you may have wondered about weight gain during pregnancy, plus get some delicious snack ideas for gaining weight the healthy way.

How Much Weight to Gain during Pregnancy

Weight gain recommendations for pregnancy are based on the individual’s body mass index (BMI) at the time of conception. If your BMI is in the healthy weight category at conception (18.5-24.9), the Institute of Medicine recommends gaining 25-35 pounds during pregnancy. If your BMI is under 18.5, you should gain 28-40 pounds. If you are overweight (BMI 25-29.9), you should gain 15-25 pounds during pregnancy, and those categorized as having obesity (BMI 30 or higher), should aim for 11-20 pounds of weight gain during pregnancy.

Total weight gain during the first trimester should be around 2 to 7 pounds if your BMI is less than 30. Pregnant people categorized as having obesity (BMI 30 and over) should only gain about 0.5 to 4.5 pounds in the first trimester. After the first trimester, aim to gain about 1 pound per week if you are underweight or a healthy weight when you get pregnant, and about 0.5 pound per week if your BMI is over 25. If you are pregnant with multiples, speak with a doctor to determine your weight gain recommendations.

If should be noted thatbody mass index(BMI) is a measure that’s often used in healthcare to determine a person’s body weight category such as overweight or obese, and therefore, chronic disease risk. However, it has limitations and does not account for individual factors that influence one’s health status, such as body composition, ethnicity, race, sex and age. This is why it shouldn’t be used as a comprehensive measure of someone’s health andcan be a source of body size stigma and bias.

For more detailed information on how much weight gain is healthy for you, check out this calculator forPregnancy Weight Gain.

Where Does All the Pregnancy Weight Go?

What to Eat When You’re Pregnant: Second Trimester

Here’s an average breakdown:

What Happens If You Gain Too Much Weight?

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, having obesity during pregnancy is also associated with high blood pressure, increased risk of cesarean section and birth defects.

If you fall outside the range of healthy weight gain, don’t stress out. But you should talk to your doctor and consider switching up your diet or exercise routine.

Tips for Gaining Weight the Healthy Way During Pregnancy

First Trimester

Recommended weight gain:1 to 7 pounds

Your body doesn’t need any extra calories during the first trimester of pregnancy. You should naturally put on 1 to 7 pounds due to increased fluid and blood volume, growing breasts (for those who have them), and fat and protein stores. Some pregnant people may actually lose weight in the first trimester due to morning sickness. Aim to eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, dairy and healthy omega-3 fatty acids during the first trimester.

Throw out the mantra:I’m eating for two, which could lead to overeating and too much weight gain in the first 12 weeks. Take advantage of when you are feeling good to eat a healthful diet and get some exercise.

Second Trimester

Recommended weight gain:1 pound per week (0.5 pound per week if BMI >25)

Third Trimester

During the third trimester, the recommendation is to eat about 450 extra calories per day.

Don’t feel like you need to count your calories though. “I’m a strong advocate of intuitive eating and that our bodies will give us clues about what we need, even in the context of pregnancy,” says Lindsey Janeiro, R.D.N., C.L.C., a dietitian and owner ofNutrition to Fit.

Instead of focusing on calories, listen to your body and focus on nutrient-dense foods full of fiber, protein and healthy fats like avocados, nut butters, nuts and seeds, lean protein, fruits and vegetables. “Try adding healthy fats to snacks and meals, like pairing peanut butter with an apple, cheese or hummus with crackers, blending a portion of avocado into a smoothie, or drizzling extra-virgin olive oil over pasta,” Janeiro says.

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