In This ArticleView AllIn This ArticleHow Much Do You Need?Do I Need More?How Much Is Too Much?What Influences Protein Needs?
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How Much Do You Need?
Do I Need More?
How Much Is Too Much?
What Influences Protein Needs?
From your hair to your fingernails to your muscles and pretty much every cell in your body, protein is the glue that holds it all together, and it makes up many major hormones and antibodies. That’s whygetting enough proteinin your daily diet is important.
New evidence suggests exactly how much you need depends on a host of factors: your age, health, activity level and whether you’re pregnant and eating for two. But how much do you need in a day?
Here, we show youhow much protein you need to eat, how to calculate your needs, how much protein is too much and which people may need more.
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How Much Protein Do You Need Each Day?
Here are some examples of what constitutes about 10 g of protein:
Since meat, poultry and seafood are the leading protein sources for many, here’s a handy trick for calculating grams of protein: 1 ounce of meat, chicken or fish has about 7 g of protein, with a 3- to 4-ounce cooked portion (a piece of about the size of a deck of cards) providing up to 30 g of protein.
But here’s the catch: The IOM’s recommendations set theminimumamount of protein you need to eat to avoid falling short of this vital nutrient—not getting enough protein could lead to progressive muscle loss and other health issues.
Recent research suggests that aiming for more, for example, between 1.3 g and 1.8 g per kilogram of body weight daily (approximately 88 g to 122 g for women, 105 g to 145 g for men), may be optimal for health, especially when it comes to warding off age-related muscle loss, according to a 2019 review inNutrients. And some experts suggest 1.2 g per kilogram of body weight for older adults to help prevent sarcopenia or the loss of muscle mass and strength, according to a 2023 review published inMetabolism. Sarcopenia is a major risk factor for falls in older adults.
10 Foods with More Protein than an Egg
Do I Need More Protein?
Recipe to Try:Ricotta & Yogurt Parfait
So does this mean you can eat a 12-ounce steak for dinner? Not exactly.
Protein deficiency in the U.S. is a rarity, and if you’re eating a varied diet, there’s no need to go out of your way to “beef” up your intake. But how you spread your protein outthroughoutthe day may matter just as much as how much you eat.
Americans' protein consumption is skewed: We typically skimp on protein in the morning and load up in the evening. But research suggests that evenly splitting up your protein consumption is the best way to support your muscles.
Recipe to Try:Avocado & Smoked Salmon Omelet(with 19 g protein!)
A 2020 study published inJournal of Nutritionfound that healthy young males who more evenly distributed their protein intake over three meals—breakfast, lunch and dinner—experienced greater muscle growth than the males who had a low-protein breakfast and got most of their protein intake at just lunch and dinner. Participants in both groups also engaged in strength training exercises.
“Since we don’t have a storage form of protein in our bodies besides our muscles, if we’re not eating protein at each meal, then we may be losing that muscle mass,” saysJessica Crandall, RDN, a certified personal trainer and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. And less muscle mass could mean decreased metabolism (which makes it harder to lose weight).
For breakfast, try two eggs with a cup of yogurt and fruit, or 3/4 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup Greek yogurt and a handful of pumpkin seeds. At lunch, toss half a chicken breast or half a can of beans into your salad for a protein boost.
Try It:High-Protein Breakfast & Brunch Recipes
How Much Is Too Much Protein?
Recipe to Try:Vegetarian Black Bean & Quinoa Burrito Bowl
Eating too much protein can mean missing out on nutrients from carbohydrates (like fiber) and healthy fats. That’s why experts say to stick to eating about one-third of your daily calories from protein and to keep to a rough daily maximum of 2 g/kg body weight. That’s about 140 g for someone who weighs 154 pounds to 160 g per day for someone weighing 176 pounds.
Get These Recipes:Healthy High-Protein Lunch Ideas for Work
Factors That Impact Your Protein Needs
Since protein isn’t one-size-fits-all, there are certain people who need more—and may have a harder time getting enough.
Vegetarians or Vegans
Eat These Recipes:High-Protein Vegan Recipes
Good news for those forgoing animal products: If you’re eating enough calories, opting for a plant-based diet doesn’t automatically mean you’re not consuming enough protein. The terms “complete” and “incomplete” protein are misleading. It was once thought that specific foods needed to be eaten together to give your body a complete protein—like rice and beans, or peanut butter on whole wheat. However, when you eat protein from various plant foods during the course of a day, you’ll get enough of all indispensable (essential) amino acids when you also take in enough calories, according to the 2016 position statement published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,
Vegetarians and vegans may need to pay a bit more attention to what foods give them the best protein-for-calorie value than the average meat-eater, but eating a varied diet that includesprotein-rich legumes and soywill keep your body and muscles humming along just fine. Soy foods, such as tofu, tempeh and edamame, supply all of the essential amino acids, as do pistachios. Othergreat vegetarian sources of proteininclude eggs, Greek yogurt, quinoa, seeds, nuts and nut butters.
Physically Active
Protein isn’t just a concern for the shake-guzzling bodybuilder wanting to build muscle—or the elite distance runner trying to keep it. Adequate protein is needed at all levels of fitness.
The IOM’s guidelines were based on studies in sedentary individuals. The American College of Sports Medicine, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and Dietitians of Canada recommend aiming for more protein if you’re active—up to 2 g/kg of body weight each day spread throughout the day—according to their 2016 joint position statement inMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. While keeping protein within 10% to 35% of your daily calories still applies, experts recommend consuming 15 g to 25 g of protein within an hour post-workout to maximize results. An example is 1 cup of milk, 1 ounce of almonds and 5 dried apricots.
Does more protein equal better results? No, says Crandall, and adds that research suggests that benefits level off after recommended intakes. “It’s kind of like adding laundry detergent to your clothes—it’s not going to get them cleaner—but having the right amount, at the right time, is important,” says Crandall.
Plus, the type of protein you choose could give you an athletic edge.
Foods high in a specific amino acid—the building blocks of protein—called leucine may be most effective for the maintenance, repair and growth of muscle. Animal foods, such as milk, meat, poultry, eggs and seafood are the richest sources of leucine, which is also found in soy foods, and nuts like peanuts. While you should strive to meet your protein needs from food, whey protein supplements are also high in leucine and are a research-backed option.
Get More:High-Protein, Low-Calorie Lunch Recipes
Older Adults
It’s not just muscle mass maintenance that protein is good for though. The body needs protein for wound healing, supporting the immune system and maintaining the integrity of the skin—all important areas as we age.
Older adults should consume 1 to 1.5 g of protein per kg daily and there should be an emphasis on consuming foods rich in leucine, which plays a central role in stimulating skeletal muscle growth, according to a 2024 review published inFrontiers in Nutrition. The authors point out that the IOM protein recommendation doesn’t appear to meet the protein requirements for older people to maintain skeletal muscle mass. While eating enough protein is crucial, timing matters, too. Spread out your protein—about 25 g to 30 g of protein at each meal—to maximize muscle cell growth.
Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Pregnancy protein needs may be slightly higher than these previous estimates, so it’s best to check in with your healthcare provider or registered dietitian to see how much protein is right for you.
As for breastfeeding mothers, your body willneed more calories and proteinto make enough milk and recover from pregnancy.
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The Bottom Line
Protein is an important nutrient, and when you’re eating a varied healthy diet, you are likely getting enough. Aim to include protein-rich foods throughout your day, not just at dinner. And if you’re a person who needs more protein—whether you’re active, older, pregnant or breastfeeding—you may need to be more conscious of your protein intake to make sure you’re getting what you need.
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