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How Long Can I Store Chicken?

Signs Chicken Has Gone Bad

Packaging Dates

How to Choose and Store


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You followed your list and went shopping for the week with the best intentions, but your hectic schedule and unforeseen events got the better of you. When you finally peek in the fridge to prepare that chicken dinner you had planned for, you wonder if that package of raw chicken is still safe to use. Sound familiar? It’s a common kitchen conundrum.

Each year an estimated 1 million Americans get sick from eating improperly stored or prepared poultry, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). To avoid becoming one of those cases, read on to find out how long you can keep raw chicken in the fridge before you have to toss it. Plus, learn tips for choosing and storing raw chicken.

How Long Can Cooked Chicken Stay in the Fridge?

How Long Does Chicken Last in the Refrigerator?

Surprisingly or not, raw chicken, whether it’s whole or cut into parts (breasts, thighs, drumsticks, wings), lasts in the fridge between one to two days, according to the Cold Food Storage Chart, one of the federal consumer resources for food safety. Storingraw chicken in the freezerwill extend its shelf life to nine months for pieces and one year for the whole bird. If the chicken is already cooked,it’s good for three to four days in the fridge.

What Are the Signs That Raw Chicken Has Gone Bad?

First, trust your senses. Spoiled chicken gives off a foul smell.

Take a look at the meat. Raw chicken meat that has gone bad also appears extra shiny and slimy.

The color also matters. Spoiled chicken often loses its pinkish hue and may appear gray or even green and yellow. Sometimes you may spot mold growing on the flesh.

Feel the meat’s texture. Chicken that has gone bad may feel stiff, especially when you apply pressure, producing an indent where the meat does not bounce back to its original shape. Some spoiled meat may also feel soft and slimy. And remember, alwayswash your handswith warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds after handling raw chicken.

What Do the Dates on the Packaging Mean?

Since raw chicken only lasts in the refrigerator for one to two days, it is inevitable to wonder what the dates listed on the packaging mean.

How to Choose and Store Chicken So It Stays Fresh

Choosing the freshest chicken starts with your trip to the grocery store. Look for raw chicken with light, pink-colored flesh. Putting the package of raw chicken into a disposable bag will help keep the juices from contaminating your other groceries.

At home, keep raw chicken in its original packaging and open it only when ready to use it. And when you do open it, know that fresh chicken meat is odor-free. The meat should also feel firm with a little give, and smooth and moist to the touch.

Store raw chicken in the fridge at a temperature below 40°F (4°C). Place the bagged package on the bottom shelf to avoid any drippings that may leak from the packaging and contaminate other foods.

The Bottom Line

How to Tell If Eggs Are Bad

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