Photo: Girl Scouts, Getty Images / travenian / moodboard
Girl Scout cookie season is back, and we’re pretty excited. The cookie season officially runs from January to April, with the details depending on your area. While you can find out where Girl Scouts are selling cookies in your areaon the Girl Scouts website, you can also buy themfrom DoorDashthis year, making it easier than ever to get your Samoa or Trefoil fix.
All of the proceeds from Girl Scout cookie sales stay local, according tothe Girl Scouts website. It’s a major part of the five skills Girl Scouts learn from selling the cookies, which include goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics. A part of learning money management means “creating a budget to fund the experiences they want to share as a troop,” which could mean a big community project, a camping trip or even a donation to a charity the scouts want to support.
The Best & Worst Girl Scout Cookies
The programs and projects that Girl Scouts take up run the gamut frommailing Valentine’s cards to folks living in senior living communitiesto helping people register to vote or evendonating boxes of cookies to sheltersfor unhoused people. So for every box of Tagalongs you pick up, a few dollars might go to contributing to a food drive or subsidizing a Girl Scouts camping trip so that everyone, no matter their parents' income, can participate in a troop activity.
On a local level, some Girl Scout troops have used their cookie profits to make a big difference in their communities. One Girl Scouts robotics team in central Texas used their skills to3D-print face shields for frontline workerswho needed them. Another troop donated $1,000 in cookie sales to support COVID-19 research at the Gladstone Institutes in 2020.
No matter which cookie variety you gravitate toward, you can feel good about where the profits are headed the next time you snag a box. And if you can’t decide which flavor to buy next, don’t worry—we got an astrologer to figure out which flavor is best for your zodiac sign.
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